What to Expect in 2021 from StoneAge CEO, Kerry Siggins « StoneAge News
2021 is shaping up to be a fantastic year at StoneAge. Our mission is to make our customers’ lives easier and safer. Here’s what we are planning to do this year. Being on the lookout for the launch of several new products and innovations including the Sentinel Automation Technology, an updated line of Warthog sewer nozzles, and cutting-edge technical training courses. As always, we will continue to provide the best service in the industry, always looking out for our customers and despite the ongoing pandemic, continue to keep our employees safe and healthy. Read more from StoneAge CEO, Kerry Siggins here: https://bit.ly/2MVqaWL StoneAgeTools waterjetting highpressure waterjet waterblasting industrialcleaning engineeringthepowerofwater whywouldichooseanyonebutStoneAge innovateneverimitate